Saints Row 4, full game or glorified add on?
I got this game on release day but had a hard time getting into it. It is the exact same map as Saints Row 3, driving is pretty much obsolete due to the super powers you get in the beginning of the game, and the storyline takes a huge curve.
It has the same humor and mini games that has made the franchise famous, but as you play through you get the feeling that there is something missing that you just cant put your finger on. With no new stand out features besides the super powers that make the game feel like you put in a cheat code, its hard to find something good to say about this game.
In my opinion this "game" should of been an add on to Saints Row 3, or at the most been released as Saints Row 3.5. I would wait for this game to hit the bargain shelf and would rate this game 3 out of 10.
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