Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you have a wonderful time with family or playing your favorite video game. If you don't see a post again till 2014. Then, Happy New Year a week early! Keep gaming my friends!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

DuckTales: Remastered

Prepare to be injected with a overdose of nostalgia.

DuckTales Remastered, will carry you away back to your childhood. The Classic Capcom intro sent goosebumps down my spine and everything after it was not disappointing. Some minor gripes here and there.

There are hints of dubstep in some of the musical scores. Which can be overlooked, but really? Transylvania needs dubstep?

The game is a lot of fun and it holds up to the NES version in difficulty. You can spend hard earned money to unlock concept arts, character art and so on. If your someone who needs to unlock everything then there is plenty to do here.

I hope more remakes come out. Chip & Dale and Darkwing Duck would be excellent choices.

Above all I highly recommend this game to new and old gamers. You can't go wrong with solving mysteries or the possibility of rewriting history.

I give DuckTales: Remastered a


Head over to Steam now and pick up your copy during the Steam Winter Holiday Sale!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4, full game or glorified add on? 

I got this game on release day but had a hard time getting into it.  It is the exact same map as Saints Row 3, driving is pretty much obsolete due to the super powers you get in the beginning of the game, and the storyline takes a huge curve.

It has the same humor and mini games that has made the franchise famous, but as you play through you get the feeling that there is something missing that you just cant put your finger on.  With no new stand out features besides the super powers that make the game feel like you put in a cheat code, its hard to find something good to say about this game.

In my opinion this "game" should of been an add on to Saints Row 3, or at the most been released as Saints Row 3.5.  I would wait for this game to hit the bargain shelf and would rate this game 3 out of 10.

Saints Row 4

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Time to have "the talk" about next gen.

I know there is a large fan base for both Microsoft and Sony there is no doubt about that. I'm sure there will be plenty of people standing in line or waiting at their door step for which ever console they so choose.

Next Generation Of Console's being released this November

I won't be doing either.

After thinking about it for a decent amount of time. I've decided I won't be getting a next gen console at launch. Instead, I'm going to wait. I'm going to wait for the discrepancies with hardware or software to be fixed. I want to see the reviews of how the new gen launch titles do. I want to wait and see when the games I actually want to play will be released and if they are next gen or available on PC.

I was excited for both keynotes that were presented at E3 by both companies for different aspects. Those reasons have been addressed by numerous gaming sites, so I won't reiterate that information here again. The big thing I'm waiting to see is. What did my friends pick. Do they have different opinions after they sank their teeth into the launch title they picked? What are their thoughts after they explored the consoles features? In the end I want to be able to play a game with my friends. There have been times I've been a lone wolf on the console scene and really had no one to discuss games and features with. Granted over the years I've been a hobbyist in collecting gaming consoles. So I have been able to play with friends, but not right away.

I'll wait for the dust to settle, and maybe wait for tax season. See if there are any titles I "Must Have". To those of you who are picking up a next gen console. I'm excited for you and look forward to hearing what you think. If your a reader or just stopping by and are picking up a next gen console. Tell me what you think down in the comment section. I would love to hear what you think of it.


Saturday, July 20, 2013


I could go on a long rant about Deadpool the merc with a mouth. If you are into comics you know plenty about him. For those of you who don't. Time to do some reading or watch Wolverine Origins. They skim over the story of Deadpool aka Wade Wilson. Personally he's one of my favorite Marvel heroes/villians. Now lets talk about the game.

Deadpool the game, is action packed, full of chimichanga goodness. The humor is this game is done quite well and so is the story. The game is about 5 hours long a little short but they throw in a challenge mode to add a few more hours of game-play. The only thing that bothers me about the game is the repetitive combat. Its fresh at the beginning but towards the end its very bland and boring after wave, after wave and wave of enemies. Deadpool's commentary is refreshing during these times and is funny towards the player, being a source of encouragement yet being sarcastic.

Should you pick up Deadpool? I would say yes. If you like Deadpool I highly recommend this game to you. If your not a fan of Deadpool you will find his humor dark, immature ,and probably annoying. He will grow on in time though, hopefully. Deadpool is available on Console and PC. I give Deadpool the game 7.5 out of 10.

The Last of Us

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Last of Us

The Last of Us

The story is the best part of this game, with that being said you will sit idle through cut scenes and conversation listening to the story. They really did a good job at forming a genuine emotional connection to the characters. The graphics are good but the controls are little awkward and hard to get used to.

The bad part of this game is once you've played it and you know what is going to happen there is really no reason to play it again.  There is online play with limited resources like what you'll find in the game but its not enough to keep you interested in the game. 

I was a little disappointed in this game  but at the same time I am happy that I played it, all in all I would give this game a 6 out of 10.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Far Cry 3

One of the first games that was honestly made for HD, not just cut scenes or a little here little there.....the whole game looks amazing.  This is one of the few games when as you are playing you get sidetracked by the views of landscapes, fire, water, dirt, and carnage.

On top of looking beautiful this game is huge.  There are several islands with tons of side missions and optional objectives.  Travel isn't as tedious as it is in other games, with several methods to choose from the easiest is usually just fast travel and running the rest of the way.

With lots to do you will notice break through aspects from other big titles like Assassins Creed, instead of climbing lookout towers you climb radio towers to reveal the map.  Red Dead Redemption, you hunt and with the skins  you get from hunting you make ammo pouches and harnesses.  With these "tributes" to other titles they tweaked them and made them not only fit, but make sense to Far Cry 3.

The game is long, there is lots to do, it is beautiful, and the story makes sense.  With not alot of bad to be said about this game I would recommend this game all day long.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Twitch Channel

I've finally been able to configure everything for a decent stream. Only issue I have is keeping track of chat. Right now I am streaming Darksiders and Resident Evil Revelations. Which in the future there will be a review provided. If you're interested I usually stream for a couple hours a day. Stop in and shoot the bull with me.

Watch live video from lutwaffa1208 on

If there is something you would like to see me stream let me know! Enjoy and keep on gaming!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Renaissance Heroes

How many of you remember Unreal II or Quake III Arena? Miss those games don't ya? I know I do. Something about getting home from school and sitting down and taking your frustrations out in a good old game of Team Death-match and Capture the Flag. Renaissance Heroes brings that good old FPS experience back and in my opinion its good for the FPS genera. I don't play many FPS like I use to, but I'm glad this game is now available on Steam for Free! That's right folks FREE! Whats better then that?

The game takes place in a Renaissance setting with a touch of steampunk. You have your basic weapons that you can upgrade from gathering items from players when you kill them in death-match's. Other such things will be unlocked when your perform certain "Quests" during the game. For example: Killing 10 people, performing 5 head-shots, and 5 taunts. You will be able to unlock backgrounds that are placed behinds you gamer-tag in game and cosmetic gear for your Heroes you choose. Granted these items are only view able for a certain amount of days. Then you get to spend the points again to reacquire that cosmetic gear.

If your looking for a fast paced FPS like the good old days look no further. Renaissance Heroes will take you back to those late night frag fests with friends that you so enjoyed. Grab a case or cup of your favorite caffeinated drink and get to fragging!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chrono Trigger, A Trip Back

There are only a handful of games that I can name off that have given me such joy and bring back wonderful memories. One of those games would be Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger took you on an adventure following the protaganist Chrono the silent hero. Chrono is accompanied by numerous characters throughout the game on a adventure to save the world.
I hold this game dear to my heart, along with many other games Square released during the Super Nintendo Era. If you haven't played this game I highly recommend it. You will experience a journey that not many games now a days can't touch.

I give this nostalgic gem a 5 out of 5

Chrono Trigger

This review is short because, well, Chrono Trigger is a beautiful game and should be experienced first hand. If you can find a copy of the game that won't break your bank account I highly suggest you pick it up. The game has been released on different consoles since its release on the Super Nintendo. If your having a hard time finding it, you can always find a Super Nintendo Emulator and Rom of the game and give it a spin. Mind you if you don't own the game and are done playing it please delete it off your hard drive.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Defenders Of The Ancients 2
DOTA 2 (Defense Of The Ancients 2) is the sequel to a popular mod named DotA for Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III Frozen Throne. The mod created a whole new sub-genre for the Real Time Strategy game called Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). DotA has helped create popular standalone MOBA's such as League of Legends(LoL), SMITE, Heroes of Newerth, Rise Of The Immortals and Monday Night Combat.


The difference in this sub-genre from actual RTS is that there is no building units or structures instead you are controlling one unit. The hero,champion,summoner,immortal,or god which ever theme the MOBA takes on, your goal is to destroy the opposite sides main structure. In DOTA2's case it would be the ancient. Sounds simple right? Well there are units called creeps, towers and the opposite teams champions standing in your way. I could sit here and type up a whole explanation of the game but, I found a great video that breaks down the game in just four minutes.

DOTA2 is still in beta. So giving a review on a product that really isn't finished doesn't make sense. I guess what I was trying to put down is how much fun DOTA2 really is. I never played the mod for the WarcraftIII games but I have dabbled in League of Legends over the past couple of years. I'm not good at the game either. There is a bit of a learning curve for this game but once you know the general mechanics and in-game jargon you'll be good to go. There are plenty of champions to choose from and they are free. Other MOBA's will have heros,champions,summoners,immortals,or gods you can select but but choices are low. Many characters are rotated bi-weekly/bi-montly for you to try out. Every MOBA has its form of a cash shop that will offer more champions, skins for your favorite champions. DOTA2 does this but the majority of it is centered around keys from chests you get from matches played. There are package deals for cosmetic items you can get for your champions to make them stand out on the battle field. If your lucky during a public match or public bot match you can get a piece of cosmetic gear from the game for a random champion.

DOTA2 is a free game. VALVE's steam service does offer a pay option that will allow you early access to the game and give you a few in-game goodies (Skins for the Courier, Sven & Juggernaut). There is also the survey and free route to get DOTA2. Who doesn't like free? Click on this link (Steam Required) answer the questions and you will get an e-mail from VALVE with access to the game.

DOTA2 is a fun experience and look forward to see the new updates. If you are interested, go find a beginners guide on what champions to start out with and practice on bots or play bots with friends. After a few games under your belt try the public match and test your skills. Take note on what you did well and what you need to work on. Soon you will be spending way too much time making new friends and getting better at DOTA 2.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cry Of Fear

Cry Of Fear is a Mod for Half-Life Cry Of Fear recently became available on Steam as a standalone game. There have been plenty of reviews and video play through of this game all over the internet. Yet I haven't been able to sit down and give it my full attention. My intentions are to play through the game while streaming and in the end give you my review here. Now I don't have a webcam so it won't be recording my reaction to what happens in the game. I'm working on getting my mic to work just right for the future broadcast. So grab your favorite snack and drink and get ready as I star my journey through Cry of Fear.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Assassin's Creed III

I have been a fan of this series since the first one came out.  There are some aspects of the story that I wish they would of gone in a different direction, and once in a while the game gets a tad repetitive, but that is about the only bad thing I can say about any of the games in this series.

The game play is simple to learn and its easy to pull off some extraordinary weapon combo kills.  The open world is vast and beautifully designed making it easy to spend time exploring and hunting.  One of the new features of the 3rd game is the ability to captain a warship named the Aquilla, people enjoyed the naval battles so much that it is rumored to be one of the main elements in the 4th game.

In conclusion you feel an honest connection with the main characters in the game, and once you get into the game a ways it gets harder and harder to put the controller down.